Sanctity of Human Life Day

Before leaving office President Trump designated this day, January 22, 2021 to be Sanctity of Human Life Day. This was written in defense of the unborn.

Tempted By Their Helplessness

Tempted by their helplessness,

you know they can’t speak out.

It’s such a convenient bargaining tool 

to help assuage the doubt

that what’s inside the mother

is more than a blob of clay.

You soundly silence your conscience 

as you take that life away.

Tempted by their helplessness,

but it’s legalized you say.

Wouldn’t you want this unplanned pregnancy taken out of the way?

You don’t have to let an unwanted fetus

hinder your plans and dreams.

The simple in their simplicity

then fall prey to your schemes.

Tempted by their helplessness, the unborn don’t yet have voice.

You rationalize their killing

with “it’s my body, my choice.”

The unborn, a fetus, dehumanized 

despised as a pile of mud.

Humanness denied, so you feel justified

in the shedding of innocent blood.

Tempted by your helplessness,

Lord Jesus will never be,

lest you turn and obey the gospel

‘fore you head to eternity.


Written in honor of Sanctity of Human Life Day

Rob not the poor [being tempted by their helplessness], neither oppress the afflicted at the gate [where the city court is held], [Exod. 23:6; Job 31:16, 21.]

 -Proverbs 22 : 22

“These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,” Pro. 6:16,17

God Is Faithful!

As a new convert to Acts 2:38 salvation at the age of 16, I remember hearing various saints in the church testify about how they had been living for God for 20, 30 or even 40 years. This was amazing to me, because I really felt so weak and pitiful in my fledgling walk with God. “What a pillar of strength they are!” I thought to myself. In my heart, I hoped that one day I would be able to have a testimony like theirs.

On June 16, 2019,  I was blessed to be able to celebrate my 40 year anniversary of being baptized in Jesus’ name and filled with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. My perspective has certainly changed from the one I had as a teenager. I realize now that none of the people I heard testify about living for God many years were pillars of strength. God is the pillar of strength, and without His faithfulness and steadfastness, we would not be able to live for Him.

As I reflected on my relationship with God, I could see that there were many times when

my attitude was wrong

my thinking was messed up

I wasn’t focusing on the right things

I was half-hearted in serving God.

But God was faithful to

put preachers in my life to tell me what I needed to hear

let me hear preaching or teaching from the Word of God, so I could see myself

convict me when I was wrong

forgive me when I came to Him in true repentance.

As I thought about my 40 year journey with the Lord, the words of a chorus came to my mind.

He’s been faithful, faithful to me.

Looking back, His love and mercy I see.

Though at times I have questioned,

even failed to believe,

yet He’s been faithful, faithful to me! 

I am so thankful today for God’s great faithfulness, and I’m trusting that  His faithfulness coupled with my obedience to His Word will carry me to the day when I shall behold Him face to face.

Lamentations 3:22,23  “It is of the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.
They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.”

Psalm 17:15  “As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness”.


The Death Of A Foe

Hidden deep within
the recesses of my heart was
a seed of sedition
that I could not perceive –
until the day
the preacher I did not know
stepped up to the pulpit
and began to speak about

Me, bitter?
I was just nursing a little grudge, because
after all, she did say
some very hurtful things.
Was this really a big deal?
I still loved God.
As war raged inside me,
my epiphany led me to realize
I was the deer in
the headlights,
the unclothed emperor
not knowing he was
naked until
someone with audacity
told him.

Some very strong words
came to my mind.
“Kill or be killed!”
Suddenly, I found myself
at an altar,
repeatedly stabbing
that seed with
tears of repentance.

I arose feeling confident that
something died inside of me,
and I pray it
never resurrects!

The Propelling Power Of Hunger


In a third world country

an extremely thin man stands alongside

a cow at a garbage dump, both driven

by the need for something

to eat . A foreigner, professional

photographer, sees this as a photo op

and begins snapping pictures.  The scavenging man

is not influenced in the slightest by the flashing

camera, quest to fill his screaming stomach

completely dominates.


Four teenage boys were drunk again

on a  Sunday evening, seeking a temporary

oasis from their miserable lives. As rain began to

come down harder, they stumbled to the corner

where they heard music and robust singing.  They

were in front of the “weird church” as the crowd

they ran with had called it.  Seeking asylum from

the pelleting  droplets, they decided to go in.  Slipping

in the back row, they sat for a few minutes, simply

observing, until one of them began to snicker. These

people with their eyes closed, hands raised and some of

them speaking strange foreign languages just seemed so

funny. Soon they were all snickering and rib poking

though most members  seemed unaware of their antics.

A disgruntled looking usher made his way toward the platform

motioning to a man sitting behind the pulpit.  A brief discourse

took place between them. The man eyed the youth at the

back of the church and shook his head. As the usher returned

to his post, the man seated behind the pulpit came

forward and begin to read a text. One of the boys,

 the one with the plaid scarf

found that he was suddenly sober

while the disrespectful titters continued to

come from the others. As the man in the front spoke

the sober lad began to feel a multitude of emotions





                    and a strange longing.

After only fifteen minutes an altar call was given.

The leader of the blitzed boys whispered

that it was time to go. As they exited the pew,

the lad with plaid turned the opposite direction,

Walking to the front of the church

peer pressure lost its grip as

a ravaging inner famine drove

him to fall on his knees

where he wept himself

into the presence of

the Almighty and loving God.






Confession And Prayer Of One Derelict In Duty

woman interceding 

Lord, I come before you with confession.

My prayers of late have been a little cold.

They ‘re sounding  like a jumbled mumbling session,

not pleas of interceding saints of old.


Often, do I ask for daily bread,

help to face the pressures of this life,

neglecting in strong wrestling to be lead

for those who still are lost in sin and strife.


So let my heart be broken once again

with the weighty things that break the heart of God

the perishing, precious souls of unredeemed men

who upon this earth do everywhere  trod.


Your loving burden, pour into my spirit

as Your blessed face I humbly seek.

Anoint me, that your word I’ll take and share it.

With boldness, may I go and stand and speak.




“Go, stand and speak in the temple to the people all the words of this life.” Acts 5:20

Missing My Country

Image result for sad america

I miss the way my country used to be,
and there are times it brings me close to tears.
A Christian nation no longer is she,
and truth be told she hasn’t been in years.
The loss I mourn, my country, ‘tis of thee.

So far removed from founding roots are we.
The things for tolerance we have embraced.
Many have no clue and cannot see
sustaining principles being replaced
in what is called sweet land of liberty.

The crisis, how to solve some would debate;
to restore morality upon our sod.
I fear to think about the future fate
of a nation that has turned its back on God.
I pray that we repent fore it’s too late.


Seven Failures of the Modern Church

I thought this was a worthy subject of a poem, and it is based on the incredible teaching we heard last year from my pastor/husband.




  1. Preaching of a Crossless Christianity


A  Christianity without a cross

is preached across some pulpits of our day.

Sacrifice of Calvary is but dross.

From the blood of Jesus we have turned away.


A social gospel many do purport.

Your own good works, yes they can do the job.

But preaching of this self-sufficient sort,

the message of Golgotha, it does rob.


Some focus on the loaves and the fishes,

the miracles and feelie goodie things.

Heaven we’ll achieve through our good wishes,

but man can’t rise by his own apron strings.


Preaching that’s crossless, God will not anoint.

Powerless it is and misses the point.


  1. Preaching A No Change Christianity


Powerless it is and misses the point,

such doctrine not requiring us to change.

The purpose of God, it does disappoint;

concept in Scripture unknown and quite strange.


Jesus came to save us from each dark sin

through His blood and the power of His name.

Soul that embraces this truth should begin

to see that he need not remain the same.


Old things passed away, all things are made new

when thru water, Spirit we’re born again.

This teaching is not conveyed to the pew.

Many go on as carnal, unchanged men.


Such discourse espousing no about face,

it leaves a man in a state of disgrace.



  1. Preaching of a No Commitment Christianity



It leaves a man in a state of disgrace

when it’s not proclaimed, our need to commit.

‘Tis a fickle love, like smoke in God’s face,

spineless profession that has no true grit.


Like customers before a smorgasbord

that exercise their right to choose;

some have this disposition toward the Lord.

Take it, leave it attitude is bad news.


There’s a definite lack in preaching now

coming down from the pulpit to the pew

of importance in making holy vows,

but it is something we all need to do.


When committing to God there is a lack,

we don’t move forward. Our soul does draw back.



  1. Preaching of a No Compliance Christianity



We don’t move forward. Our soul does draw back

when to Scripture’s tenets we don’t adhere.

We’re like a train that is on the wrong track.

The derailment of our lives is near.


If to worldly practices we’re conformed;

do like everyone and try to fit in.

In our minds renewing, we’re not transformed;

know that we are on the pathway of sin.


God’s Word calls people to separation

of the things that are grievous in His sight.

If in this we do come to reparation,

our willful compliance brings Him delight.


Preaching void of devotion is hollow.

It is not the course we want to follow.


  1. Preaching of a No Cause Christianity



It is not the course we want to follow,

religion with no lofty, noble goal;

in self-indulgent luxury wallow,

our sinful appetites out of control.


We’re not our own, and with a price we’re bought.

However, seldom is it preached, this cause.

Surrender of ourselves, this truth not taught,

and many do not stop and give it pause.


A common goal, eat, drink and be merry

in our society does permeate.

Epicurean stance does not carry

Bible truth, nor does it hold any weight.


A limp and causeless Christianity,

it’s nothing short of hum drum vanity.



  1. Preaching of a No Covenant Christianity



It’s nothing short of hum drum vanity.

A no agreement type relationship

though practiced much among humanity,

for bond ‘tween God and man, it is not hip.


Two can’t walk together unless agreed.

On God’s terms is the way we must advance.

To try and make our will to supersede

is nothing more than a song and a dance.


So blessed indeed the contract that does bind

the will of creature, Creator in one.

A good end result for sure we will find.

The purpose of God, thru man can be done.


If covenant agreement is not preached

God’s desire for man will not be reached.



  1. Preaching of a No Consecration Christianity


God’s desire for man will not be reached

lest we give ourselves to consecration.

Our sacred affinity will be breached

without a whole hearted dedication.


Faithfully, daily laboring in prayer

if this Christian race we do want to win.

‘Tis a sign to God that we truly care,

paves the way for more lost sheep to come in.


Lackadaisical service will not do

in any form or on any level,

from those in the pulpit or those in the pew;

nothing short but a trick of the devil.


Hollowed, not hallowed, then we lose the toss

a Christianity without a cross.



What An Amazing Trip!

On January 21, my husband and I were privileged to be able to take our third trip to the country of Peru. This excursion was going to be a little different for us, because our primary purpose in going was to get some much needed dental work done for a lot less money.


This is hubby with our Peruvian dentist, Dr. Nelson Junes. I’m probably going to be dead meat for posting this picture, but this is the only one we had of the dentist. I had a dental exam, deep cleaning, 3 root canals and 3 crowns inserted. My husband had a lot more work done on his teeth than I did. I’m so thankful for the help from the Nix family in helping us communicate with the dentist. I know some Spanish, but I just haven’t reached that level……………….yet. Our dentist was very kind, and God opened a door of witness to him. He allowed his 12 year old son to come to the youth camp that was going on while we were there. His wife and sister-in-law(she also works in the dentist’s office)came and visited one of the evening services at the camp as well. If you think of it, please mention this dentist and family in your prayers. We would love to see God add them to His church!



We were privileged to be in Peru during the time of their National Conference. Rev. Rick Treece and Revered Kelly Patrick were the speakers this year, and they did an outstanding job. There was a wonderful move of the Holy Ghost in every service. The two men in the photos above are pastors from a Trinitarian organization that received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Gloria a Dios!


The evening before the conference started they had their Bible college graduation. I know I’m kind of biased, but the speaker that they had for the graduation was really tremendous. It was my husband! 🙂


The week after the National Conference was the youth camp for ages 12-35. Brother Carl Brown and his son Preston were the preachers/teachers, and they were greatly used of God. The young people’s response to the Word of God was beautiful. There were altar services that went on for an hour or longer. What a blessing it was to see new dedications and consecrations made to the Lord!


I have to take a break for now, but I hope to post more about our trip soon. There is some updated info on La Aventura de la Gringa page also.




A watched pot never boils, it’s been said

and through my observation I have learned

the outcome of another pot instead.

Neglected one most surely will be burned.


Has it been way too long since I’ve been stirred?

Complacent is my current state of soul?

Do I wander, spiritual vision blurred?

Lord, your bestirring, let it be my goal.


This earthen vessel often must be changed

and challenged to become much more like Thee.

My stinking thinking must be rearranged.

Let holy agitation move through me.


Whate’er it takes, don’t let me stay the same.

Shake me by your Word, in Jesus’ dear name.






2Timothy 1:6  Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands. 

2Peter 3:1,2  This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance: 

That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour: 

















I Should Not Have Looked, God Should Not Have Looked

This is dedicated to those who have ever messed up, and you feel that you have sinned so greatly that there is no hope for you. Thank God that He is merciful, and he will not turn away a truly repentant, broken and contrite heart!


I should not have looked that fateful day.
I know that’s where it did start.
But I failed to turn my eyes away,
and lust conceived in my heart.

By her beauty I was taken.
My wicked heart, battle raged within.
Deceived by passion, I was mistaken.
With my neighbor’s wife I then did sin.

I thought perhaps none would find out
Of Bathsheba and I, defiled.
But my hopes one day gave way to doubt
when she told me that she was with child.

To my mind came a possibility to explore.
I thought it might improve my life.
Her husband I could bring home from the war
and let him spend some time with his wife.

Her husband, I did not realize
was a more honorable man than I.
My fool proof plot, it did capsize,
and here’s the reason why.

Uriah thought of those on the battlefield
who were paying the ultimate price.
To relations with his wife he would not yield
though no doubt he was enticed.

This left, I, David in a bind.
How could I cover my sin?
In the recesses of my mind
a sinister strategy formed within.

You could call it Murder I Wrote.
I had Uriah put in the battles heat.
To the army captain I sent a note
to draw back from Uriah, retreat.

And so faithful Uriah was slain
on that deplorable day,
and in my mind I did feign
with my sin I had gotten away.

But to make a long story short
God was kinder than He should have been.
He sent a prophet who brought me report
that indeed, I was guilty of sin.

Though God should not have looked with mercy on me,
I repented, and He gave me a new start.
It’s a miracle because later in Scripture we see
I’m called a man after God’s own heart!


The story of David, his sin with Bathsheba, murder of Uriah and the prophet coming to confront him with his sin are found in the Bible, 2 Samuel chapters 11 and 12.

This verse in the New Testament calls David a man after God's own heart.

“And when he had removed him, he raised up unto them David to be their king; to whom also he gave testimony, and said, I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfil all my will.” Acts 13:22