Every Child Needs A Laptop

Every child needs a laptop.
No, I’m not out of my mind.
I speak not of electronics.
I talk of the human kind.

A spot where they feel secure
until the 12th of never,
by a tender, nurturing mother
who assures she will love them forever.

The nook that they long to inhabit
when Dad arrives home from work
and does them well as they sit for a spell,
his laptop is their prized perk.

A place where a youngster can hunker down
while in loving arms embraced,
as they hear a grandparent’s stories
of trials overcome when faced.

It’s a fortress of strength with unlimited length
in imparting to offspring instruction,
as they’re cuddled and curled while words are unfurled
in aiding their soul’s construction.

It’s really not keen ,kids entranced by a screen,
their sensitivity and sense to sap.
Let them know wisdom’s showers that come from the hours
of time that they spent on your lap.

Inspired by the following quote:
“All children need a laptop. Not a computer, but a human laptop. Moms, Dads, Grannies and Grandpas, Aunts, Uncles – someone to hold them, read to them, teach them. Loved ones who will embrace them and pass on the experience, rituals and knowledge of a hundred previous generations. Loved ones who will pass to the next generation their expectations of them, their hopes, and their dreams.” ~ Colin Powell


Music To My Ears

Image result for piano in heaven

When I was a little girl
My mom would say those wonderful words…
“I’ll read you one more story.”

That which once was music to my ears
has changed with time and passing years.

Oh what heights of glory were
reached upon hearing the awesome news…
“There’s no school today due to bad weather.”

A happy day it was receiving my
high school diploma as the announcement came…
“Congratulations to the graduating class of 1980!”

That which once was music to my ears
has changed with time and passing years.

After crying out to God in true repentance,
He impressed upon my heart affirming words….
“You are forgiven!”

Like a sweet symphony
The voice of the man of my dreams rang out a question…
“Will you marry me?”

That which once was music to my ears
has changed with time and passing years.

After laboring to give birth,
my own vocal chords lifted in sheer glee…..
“Honey, it’s a girl!”

My little girl whispering
Those coveted words for the first time.
“Mommy, I love you.”

That which once was music to my ears
has changed with time and passing years.

Reflecting on my life, I can see that there
have been so many musical moments
produced by words that resonated
in my soul. But I have been living most of my life
watching, waiting, longing, anticipating
to hear that celestial concerto that can only
take place in another world.

“Well done, thou good and faithful servant. Enter thou in to the joy of the Lord!”

That which will be music to my ears
will not change with time or passing years.


Lesson of the Doily


So intricate it’s weaving

home spun work of fine lace,

I turned it over in my hands

this sample of beauty and grace.


As I gazed upon the pattern

I wondered how much time

that it took to make this doily

so simple, yet also sublime.


To create a delicate piece such as this

I truly had the will,

yet I knew it wouldn’t be possible

with my obvious lack of skill.


At this point in my musings,

the Lord spoke to my heart

of a different sort of handiwork

that He wanted me to start.


“Just put your hand in My hand,”

God whispered in my ear.

“I’ll show you how to guide your children

so that my name, they will fear.


Day after day, together we can work

My character in them to engrave

this blessed undertaking you must never shirk

that their precious souls might be saved.”


So I must be faithful to pray, teach and labor

and in passing of time, I’ll be seeing

upon their lives, God’s great favor

His attributes knit into their being.


Happy Mother’s Day! No matter how old our children are, may we never stop praying for them and doing all we can to influence them to become more like Jesus.

Moving On

It’s hard to believe that 8 1/2 years ago, I began working as a behavioral therapist. If I recall correctly, this is the longest that I have stayed at one company. For reasons I won’t go into, I had been thinking about leaving the company, but it was a hard decision to make. Change is never easy. Sometimes it can be very difficult, but it is a necessary part of life. We can get comfortable with routines, people or circumstances, and there is just something about change that can upset our apple cart, but I have found that the discomfort is usually only temporary.

I will be continuing to work in the same field, but I know there will be some adjusting that takes place as I learn and get used to some new ways of doing things. In all honesty, I would be totally fine with not working outside the home and being a full time house wife. For now though, I need to continue working, and I just want to do my very best and let God use me to have an influence among my clients, their families and my fellow employees. A door has been closed on one chapter of my life, but God is beginning another, and He is an excellent author!



of my life

is finished but

memories remain

faces of those children

our lives had intersected

during those therapy sessions

incremental victories were seen

thanking God for breakthroughs both great and small

the time to move on has now arrived

employed by a new company

ready for a fresh challenge

more petite profiles

that I hope to impact

with the Lord’s help

in my life

the work



Good Old Folks



I can’t believe I just called these two fine people old. In reality, Bro. and Sis. Halstead are very young at heart. Bro. Halstead still shouts, runs the aisles and praises God like a much younger man. His worship is sincere and encouraging.

The Halsteads are a very important part of our Kids’ Church program. In the first photo, Bro. Halstead is playing Grandpa Jones, a character in our current quarter of The Real Pentecostals. Both Bro. and Sis. Halstead are wonderful teachers, and I have been amazed at some of the creative ways they have come up with to keep the children engaged and teach them the precious Word of God. Brother Halstead also heads up our outreach department and does a great job inspiring us to reach out to those in our community that have not experienced Acts 2:38 salvation.

In the second photo, they are clowning around at a meal we had recently to break a fast that we did together as a church. Earlier that week, Sis. Halstead had sent a photo to me and another sister from our church of a man devouring some chicken drumsticks. She said that was going to be what she would look like when we broke the fast. Hence, I took this photo to represent that moment. 🙂

This faithful couple has been such a blessing to our church in many ways. Getting older has definitely not stopped them from being faithful and working for God with all of their hearts.  They are living out the following verses.


“Those that be planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God.
They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing;”

Psalm 92:13,14

Just to clarify, I’m not saying that Bro. and Sis. Halstead are fat. This is talking about abundance or a “spiritual fat” that is a good type of fat.(I sure could use more of that type of fat!) I am thankful today for the great big FAT blessing that Bro. and Sis. Halstead have been to Cornerstone Pentecostal Church!

The Gift

When I was a young child, you were an old gray headed man that shuffled along slowly, aided by a cane. You never could move fast enough for me, and although I tried to hurry you, you would not be rushed. I looked forward to things like going to kindergarten, summer vacations and the holidays that never seemed like they would come soon enough. As I got older, I looked forward to graduating 8th grade, graduating high school, graduating college and finally getting married, but I was always waiting on you, for you were ever with me. Things just had to be done at your pace.

An amazing transformation happened to you after I got married. Suddenly you were much younger, and it seemed you and I were moving together at an almost equal speed. Now we were getting somewhere! We seemed to be in sync until I had my first child, at which point another alteration took place in you. You became even younger and seemed to have the energy of a teenager, while at the same time, I noticed that I was getting older.  I was enjoying being a mother.  There were days I just wanted to marinate in the experience, but you with your boundless energy kept pushing me forward. Before I even realized what was happening, my children were graduating from high school and growing up. Oh, you rambunctious youth! You just wouldn’t stop and rest even for a minute.

Then one day, I had an epiphany concerning you. In all honesty, you had been the same all along and had never changed. The only thing that had changed was my perception of who you are. You have been God’s faithful servant throughout the ages, and I am learning to cherish you more each day.  I will do my best not to try and hurry you or slow you down or squander you, but with God’s help, I will let you run your course. You are precious to me, Time!


A Spoonful Of Snow


She longed to give a gift
although she was so poor,
to her second grade teacher
that she truly did adore.

Her teacher liked fine hot teas, she knew,
with store bought raw, clover honey,
but to buy a fine gift as that
she just didn’t have the money.

How warm and cozy the teacher would be
in a colorful, flannel robe,
but she settled on a present homemade
a sparkling Christmas globe.

To assemble all the ingredients
she knew she wouldn’t have to go far.
The foundation of her creation would be
her infant sister’s washed baby food jar.

She snuck into her tiny back yard
hoping nobody would see
as she took grandma’s sewing scissors
and got a snip from the evergreen tree.

Next she crept up to the attic
behind the ancient washing machine
and broke off a tiny gold star
from a long forgotten manger scene.

So with all her contents assembled
she set about fulfilling her task
and determined with all her might
for adult help she would not ask.

In her young seven year old mind
she was a master with a bottle of glue.
It seemed she was guided by providence
and knew exactly what to do.

But at last she had a perplexity.
Where would she get the finishing touch?
A spoonful of snow would make the gift grand,
but where could she obtain such?

She couldn’t think just what to do,
but alas, she was no quitter.
She thought and prayed. A solution came to mind.
Why not use some golden glitter?

After filling the jar with water,
she sprinkled in her makeshift snow.
The pleasure in her industry displayed
in her bright smile, it did show.

Laying in bed with anticipation that night
sleep just would not come to her eyes.
School time just could not come soon enough.
She thought the sun would never rise!


The Raging Mama Bear

Everyone knows, well at least I suppose

when you’re taking a trip through the woods,

if mama bear’s not in sight, but her cubs move aright

you better not mess with her goods.


For when mama returns and quickly she learns

with her youngsters a stranger is messing,

her demeanor will change to completely deranged

‘cause she thinks you might steal her blessing.


Swift be your feet, better make your retreat

and run for all that you’re worth.

If you don’t get away, I do dare to say

you’ll rue the day of your birth.


Concerning my offspring, I feel the same thing

I’m much like that raging bear.

When satan comes their way, their souls for to sway

for bloody battle, he’d better prepare.


His eye, I will sock. I’ll clean his clock

through the power of Jesus’ name.

His head I’ll knock, do my best to cold cock,

I will beat him at his game.


When he offers the world, my fist will be hurled

square into his ugly face.

My lips they are curled, my fury unfurled

my goal, to put him in his place.


Knowing him, I will bet, he wants them for his pet

to inflict them with spiritual fleas;

but I will not fret , he ain’t seen nothing yet

Mama Bear’s gonna fight on her knees.


Mama Bear does know, to defeat the foe

in just her own strength there is lack,

but through prayer strikes her blow, the enemy to show

the Mighty Warrior, He’s got her back!




If there’s a mother or even a dad out there who is worried, stressed out or depressed over the direction you see your children going, I want to encourage you to pray, pray, pray!

As Alfred Tennyson once said – More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of.

Diving For Treasure

diving for treasure 1

Diving for treasure 2

We started a new quarter in our children’s church this past Sunday, and the theme is Diving For Treasure. A lot of hard work went into making the decorations, and it came out looking very nice. I’m excited about this new quarter and the treasures in God’s Word that our kids will be exploring. I want to see every single one of them strike it rich!