Sowing and Reaping

Sowing and Reaping 

The ground is tilled. The seed is planted.

The farmer waters the field,

waiting and watching every day

for the earth to bring forth its yield. 

He is patient in his labors,

taking very special care;

for he knows it won’t be long,

yes, harvest time is near. 

Well, the same is true in a spiritual sense.

The Word of God does say,

“Our labor is not in vain in the Lord.”,

 There’s coming a reaping day. 

God hears the cry of His children.

He sees each tear that is sown.

His heart is moved with compassion,

for He cares for His loved and own. 

Like the farmer, we need to be patient,

and take very special care;

adding diligence to our faith

that God will answer prayer. 

The Word must be sown in the heart

just as the seed is sown in the field.

Then God will bring it to pass,

a great harvest of souls to yield! 

 special note : We had four first time visitors in church yesterday.  🙂

6 thoughts on “Sowing and Reaping

  1. I am excited about what God is doing here in Oakley! Yes, Diana. I wrote this poem. I don’t remember the exact date, because I forgot to write it down. I know it’s been at least 10 years.

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