God hears, God knows, God delivers!

Elishama, Eliada and Eliphalet? Who are these seemingly obscure characters of the Bible?  These are the last 3 sons of king David.  David was the man whom God used to kill Goliath, writer of many of the psalms, the man who sinned so greatly, but repented so deeply, and the one whom Scripture calls “a man after God’s own heart.”  Elishama means “God hears.”  Eliada means “God knows.”  Eliphalet means “God delivers.”  David is basically summing up his life and what he has learned in his relationship with God.  It’s a truth that is just as real today.  God hears.  God knows, and yes, God does deliver!

Elishama, Eliada and Eliphalet

Elishama, Eliada and Eliphalet

proclaim a message we should never forget

Through all your supplications and prayers

Just remember that our God surely hears

Though you may seek for an answer day after day

Rest assured child, it’s already on its’ way

And when it seems you can’t stand, and no hope is shown

Don’t doubt, this trial by God is known

He won’t put on you more than you’re able to bear

But He’ll give you the strength to persevere

Sometimes things may seem bleak

And your faith may quiver

Hold on to the calm assurance

That our God does deliver

Just like ol’ Daniel in the lions’ den

He will rescue you again and again

Yes, trials will come, and trials deeper yet

But Elishama, and Eliada and Eliphalet!

11 thoughts on “God hears, God knows, God delivers!

  1. THANK YOU, Carol! I printed that out for my husband to read. It will help him at this time. I do believe God had you blog this. Thank you! It is wonderful.
    Love, Tena

  2. Thank you, Helen. One of our instructors at Bible college told us about this Scripture many years ago, and my husband developed it into a sermon. After hearing him preach, I felt inspired to write a poem about it. I started thinking about Elishama, Eliada and Eliphalet yesterday and thought it would be a good post. I’m glad you feel it will help your husband Tena. I know many times when we’re going through something, we just need to be reminded that God knows what is going on, and He is in control.

  3. Hi Carol.. I live in India.. I do not know who you are, where you are and what you do.. But God has used you to remind me once again of His love and care.. Thank you very much.. May the Lord continue to inspire you with deeper truths and use you to touch many more lives like mine across the globe!

    God bless You 🙂

  4. Thank you so much for this beautiful passage on prayer. It is such a great reminder that God hears, knows, and delivers. You did a wonderful job in sharing.

    Eunice, glad you enjoyed the poem. It’s something I need to remind myself of occasionally at times when it seems that prayer is not being answered according to my timetable. God’s timing is perfect, and He does hear, know and deliver. Thank you for stopping by today.

  5. THis is greaty it uplift my spirit.

    Hello Patrick. I’m glad this uplifted your spirit. Thank you for stopping by today.

  6. I just happened to find this blog post today. God used it to remind me yet again today that He hears even the things that my heart is afraid to say outloud. Lamentation 3:22-23

    Hello Allison. God really does hear, know and deliver. We just need to put our trust in Him. Thanks for stopping by.

  7. Ah am so blessed,i had to hear this today.I am reminded HE HEARS &KNOWS,been prayin for years for some things,&continue

    1. Glad you were blessed by this today. If we pray according to God’s will, we can have confidence that He hears us. We just need to keep asking, seeking and knocking. Thanks for stopping by. 🙂

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